20 Healthy Alternatives to Sugar in Coffee
Looking for the best healthy alternatives to sugar in coffee? You’ve come to the right place! In this article we will cover 20 healthy alternatives to sugar in coffee. The best natural sweeteners for your morning coffee! Scroll down to find our list!

Coffee without sugar? It can still be delicious! These healthy alternatives to sugar in coffee are the perfect solution!
If coffee runs in your veins, like it does in mine, then you have likely been faced with the struggle of managing your sugar intake while still enjoying your coffee. Some coffee drinkers can enjoy black coffee without remorse, but I am simply NOT that person.
Between using small amounts of white sugar, using brown sugar when I have the chance, or just having oat milk in my cup of coffee, I have certainly experienced this dilemma.
Healthy Alternatives to Sugar in Coffee (that actually taste good!)
Waking up in the morning to a delicious cup of coffee with just the right amount of sweetness is, in my opinion, the best way to kickstart your day. I’ve learned some healthy alternatives to regular sugar and they are complete gamechangers! I’m excited share them with you!
Ways to Sweeten Coffee Without Sugar
So, why not just use regular cane sugar in coffee? Well, large amounts of regular sugar can potentially have negative effects on one’s immediate and long term health.
An important health benefit of sugar alternatives is a lower glycemic index, which can lower blood pressure and promote heart health.
The American Heart Association recommends limiting sugars in our diet, as sugar can have adverse health effects on our bodies. It can cause weight gain, diabetes, tooth decay, and even an increase in blood sugar levels.
Increased blood sugar levels can eventually lead to the potential for heart disease and other health problems such as cardiovascular disease.
However, this doesn’t mean we need to cut out all sweetness! Natural sugar substitutes are a healthier option that can both satisfy our sweet tooth and support the health of our bodies. These healthy alternatives to sugar in coffee are also super tasty!

20 Best Healthy Alternatives to Sugar in Coffee (all natural sweeteners!)
1. Liquid Stevia
Unlike other sweeteners, liquid stevia has no aftertaste or acquired taste! This zero-calorie sweetener that comes from the stevia plant has no calories or carbohydrates, making it a healthier substitute to refined sugar.
Interestingly, it is thought that using drops of stevia in moderation can benefit our immune systems! I use the SweetLeaf brand, notice no bitter aftertaste, and think it’s great!
If you notice any bitterness with your stevia, try adding just a pinch of sea salt to balance it out. It sounds strange, but it really works! Or just try another brand.
Keep in mind that every brand of liquid stevia has a different level of sweetness. With some you may need 10 drops in your cup of coffee and with others you may need 20 drops. It takes a little experimentation to get it just right.

2. Monk fruit extract
What is monk fruit?
Monk fruit is a small, round fruit native to northern China. This sweetener is extracted from the fruit itself, making it a natural sweetener and a raw sugar.
Monk fruit has received the “generally recognized as safe” or GRAS designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Although it is new to the U.S. market, some evidence suggests there may be health benefits to this natural alternative to refined sugar.
Monk fruit is a definitely one of our top healthy alternatives to sugar in coffee!
3. Pure Maple Syrup
Maple syrup! Who would’ve thought it works in COFFEE? I certainly would not have thought that. However, it exists as a natural sweetener and really adds to the flavor of your coffee.
And in the fall… it’s the perfect aesthetic if you ask me. If you are searching for an idyllic fall vibe, find some pure maple syrup in its natural form and you’re set to drink the most cozy and delicious cup of coffee!

4. Erythritol
For those of you who haven’t heard of this before, sugar alcohols like erythritol are naturally occurring and are commonly found in a granular form. Erythritiol is derived from corn.
Another alternative with zero calories, erythritol is a good way to limit refined sugar! Erythritol may cause digestive upset for some people, so make sure to test it out to see what works best for you.
5. Coconut sugar
Coconut really should be the eighth wonder of the world. I mean, there is no end to the uses for this fruit! Coconut sugar is actually the sugar made from the sap of coconut palm tree flowers, and it is a relatively unprocessed natural sugar.
It is still a sugar, but considering its plant-based nature, it definitely cuts down on refined sugars. Coconut sugar is not refined and even has a low glycemic index, making it one of our top 5 healthy alternatives to sugar in coffee!

What does a low glycemic index mean?
It can be confusing when reading about aspects of health and trying to learn about your body. The Glycemic Index Foundation explains a glycemic index as a tool that measures how carbohydrates affect blood glucose levels.
This is important because low glycemic index foods are absorbed slower by the body, thereby giving us more regulated energy throughout the day. On the other hand, high glycemic index foods, like traditional table sugar, spike your blood sugar and can cause a blood sugar crash afterward.
6. Agave nectar
For my plant-based friends out there, this healthy alternative to sugar is vegan! Another naturally occurring, low glycemic sweetener, agave nectar is found in a syrup form and comes from the agave plant.
Agave is valued by vegans as an alternative to honey, and it even is diabetic-friendly. Agave syrup is sweeter than sugar, so you can use less of it and get your desired sweet taste in your coffee!
7. Raw honey
Raw honey is a great way to cut out cane sugar in coffee! Like agave syrup, it is a natural product, sweeter than sugar AND it has a lower glycemic index, so you can use less of it and still have a sweet flavor.
I always use honey in my tea, but using it in coffee is honestly a game changer!
Honey also is a good source of antioxidants, can help with digestion, and is perfect for soothing a sore throat. If you’re under the weather but still need your daily coffee, I would suggest that honey is the way to go!

8. Dates
I recently discovered dates, and they are pretty magical. Dates, the trendy superfood of today, can be used in many different forms, made into a date paste, date syrup, and even dried up and turned into granular sugar.
Dates themselves are great for use in many areas of cooking – I love them in smoothies and can find them at any local grocery store.
Date sugar has a sort of caramel flavor, and gives you potassium, iron, B vitamins, and fiber all in a healthy form of sugar.
9. Unsweetened cocoa powder
This may not be a direct alternative to sugar, but using unsweetened cocoa powder can transform the flavor of your coffee. You may find that by adding the chocolatey taste to your coffee, you don’t need any other form of sweetness!
I recommend using a handheld frother to mix it in!
10. Cinnamon
Like the unsweetened cocoa powder mentioned above, cinnamon does not directly add a sweetness to your coffee. However, adding spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom to your coffee might be exactly the alternative you’re looking for!
You can even add the cinnamon to your coffee grounds and in turn find a flavored coffee that hits the spot.
Cinnamon and cocoa powder are also great options if you’re doing the Whole30!
11. Sea salt
Salt? In coffee? Salt? I know I know, sounds crazy. BUT, sea salt actually cuts the bitterness in the coffee that we normally use sugar for.
ALSO, hot drinks tend to have more bitterness than cold drinks… SO, a touch of sea salt and you’ve got your coffee! This French sea salt is great!
12. Vanilla extract
Sugar-free flavor extracts like vanilla extract are great healthy sugar alternatives since they have no sugar and just add flavor to your coffee. You can use vanilla, almond, hazelnut, really any flavor you like as long as it’s sugar free.
And no need to choose particular brand names! Pair it with your milk of choice and who even needs sugar?
13. Coconut oil
Yes, ANOTHER use for coconut as an alternative to table sugar. Incredible!! Coconut oil is a healthy fat and recommended as a healthy alternative to butter in cooking…it is even great for use in your hair!
Using coconut oil in your coffee may speed up your metabolism, improve energy levels, and link to weight loss. Sounds like a must-try to me!
Another application for that handy handheld frother!

14. Yacon syrup
Yacon syrup is extracted from the yacon plant, a native to South America, and it has been recommended to diabetics for its low-calorie, nutritional, and prebiotic value.
The yacon root has been shown to be hypoglycemic and may decrease insulin resistance! For diabetics out there, this would be an alternative to look into further. Yacon root is also thought to be a great option for other health reasons and those trying to lose weight or limit sugar intake!
15. Half a banana
… and it becomes a smoothie! Get out your blender and mix up half a banana, vanilla extract, coffee, and a small scoop of peanut butter in measurements of your choice to make a tasty breakfast smoothie! It will give you some sweetness and tons of energy for the day!

16. Coconut cream
Coconut. Again! Coconut cream adds a hint of sweetness to your coffee due to its natural sugars and also makes your coffee nice and creamy! No need to use any additional creamer! AND it’s dairy-free!
17. Blackstrap molasses
Many people use blackstrap molasses in their coffee as an alternative to sugar. It has a low glycemic index and can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Molasses has a unique flavor (think gingerbread!) and can support a healthy immune system because it’s rich in iron and essential vitamins and minerals!
18. Coffee creamers & non-dairy milks
Personally, I put oat milk in my morning coffee and it really hits the spot. I admittedly have a serious sweet tooth, so the limited amount of sugars in the oat milk curb my cravings and I find myself ready to take on each day!
If I am looking for a bit sweeter oat milk coffee, monk fruit is my favorite addition – this combination really does the trick and keeps me energized.
Looking the THE BEST dairy-free coffee creamer? I’ve got you covered. Check out this amazing recipe: 3-MINUTE COCONUT CASHEW MILK. It’s life-changing. Just saying.
Oh, and if you’re looking for something perfect for fall and winter, check out Kit’s STARBUCKS COPYCAT SEASONAL COFFEE CREAMERS. So good!

19. Xylitol
Xylitol is a sugar alcohol, like erythritol. Some people use it for its fewer calories and lack of fructose, a component of high-fructose corn syrup, Fructose is often advertised in the media and on health sources for having negative effects on health.
20. Butter (grass-fed)
This one may seem shocking, but grass-fed butter, like coconut oil, is a healthy fat that can give your coffee a delicious, full flavor.
You may have heard of bulletproof coffee, a breakfast substitute that uses grass-fed, unsalted butter, coffee, and MCT oil mixed in a blender.
There are higher amounts of antioxidants in grass-fed butter, such as omega-3s. Using it in your coffee will keep you fuller for longer, reduce those coffee jitters, and give you long lasting energy throughout the day!
You’ll definitely want a handheld frother to mix it all up!

Sugar alternatives we don’t recommend
Acesulfame potassium, Sucralose, and aspartame are all FDA-approved artificial sweeteners, but we do not recommend using them.
Studies suggest that these artificial sweeteners alter gut microbiota. These artificial sweeteners can cause reactions for some people, like headaches and digestive issues.
Additionally, I can really taste the difference between these artificial sweeteners and regular sugar in my coffee. I’m just not a fan.
Looking for some delicious recipes for healthy sweets? Check out some of Kit’s recipes around the site!
- KETO CROCKPOT CANDY (2 ingredients!)
- PALEO RUSSIAN TEA CAKES (my favorite Christmas cookie made healthy!)
- DARK CHOCOLATE MAPLE MACAROONS (paleo and keto options!)
- PALEO SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK (great for holiday baking)
How do I reduce my sugar consumption?
Unfortunately, the average American has a high sugar intake, and some even have a sugar addiction. Follow this link to learn more about sugar addiction.
Too much sugar in our diet can come in many forms, whether that’s in ice cream, soft drinks, high fructose corn syrup, synthetic sugar substitutes, or other forms of sugar.
Even if you try to limit the teaspoons of sugar in your coffee or even drink your coffee black, you may still be consuming too much. It is a good idea to keep an eye on your daily consumption to avoid negative health effects.
The good news is that there are many natural sugar alternatives out there, and you can even find some of them at your favorite coffee shop!
Keep in mind that what works for some may not work for others. Try out some of these options and see what’s best for you!