100+ Keto Starbucks Drinks (The ULTIMATE list) 2024
- Low Carb
- Keto
This is the ULTIMATE keto Starbucks drink list. Everything you could possibly order from Starbucks that will fit in your low carb or keto diet! Over 100 unique drink orders! Looking for a snack as well? I’ve got you covered with all the keto-friendly options for food too!

Keto Starbucks Drinks
When you decide to follow a low carb or ketogenic diet, you may think your Starbucks drink options are severely limited. The good news is that that couldn’t be further from the truth!
There are SO many options for Starbucks coffee that keto dieters can choose from. So whether you are following a keto lifestyle for weight loss or just for general health, I’m sure you will find your new favorite keto Starbucks drinks on my list!!
I spent hours pouring over the Starbucks menu and have come up with over 100 options for you! 130 keto-friendly drinks to be exact! And while some of them are pretty basic like cold brew with heavy cream, there are a plethora of fun options that you won’t find on ANY other lists out there, like my favorite: Keto Vanilla Frappuccino!! OMG SO GOOD!!
The key to ordering keto drinks at Starbucks (or really any coffee shop) is planning and communication. Plan what you want ahead of time and communicate your order and needs clearly to your lovely barista.
One note: some of these drinks, like my Keto Frappuccino, will be difficult or even impossible to order online, so you’ll need to actually order at the counter.

My Tips for Ordering Keto Drinks at Starbucks
Here are my tips for ordering keto drinks at Starbucks. And remember, always plan ahead and communicate clearly so that you avoid sneaky sugars like the classic syrup that they basically put in everything if you don’t specify.
- Communicate Clearly: Start by saying you are ordering a drink without sugar. Make it clear from the beginning to avoid any mishaps! They may not know what low carb or keto is, so I would just say “no sugar.”
- To Name or Not to Name: When ordering keto drinks, in general, you’re not going to use the names in the list below. Instead, just order the drink by the ingredients/instructions. For example, instead of saying, “I’d like the Keto Pink Drink”, you would say “I’d like an iced almond milk with 3 shots heavy cream, 1 scoop strawberries, and 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup.” They won’t know what a Keto Pink Drink is or how to make it. However, in the case of something like an Almond Milk Latte, you can use the name since it’s a normal latte and a common order.
- Choose a Base: Start by selecting an appropriate base for your keto drink. Coffee, espresso, or tea (the ones without sweeteners) are great choices. Avoid drinks with traditional milk, regular syrups, or pre-made sugary mixes like the matcha and the refresher bases, as they can add lots of unwanted carbs.
- Substitute Milk: If you prefer a creamy texture, replace regular steamed milk with heavy cream. Almond milk is also an option if you’re okay with a low carb drink and don’t need it to be keto. The almond milk they use contains about 2.5 grams of sugar per 1/2 cup. When making low carb Starbucks drinks, other options like coconut milk, soy milk, and oatmilk should be avoided since they have higher amounts of sugar.
- Sugar-Free Syrup: Starbucks currently offers just one sugar-free syrup: sugar-free vanilla syrup. They previously had more of a variety, but those flavors have sadly been discontinued (caramel, hazelnut, peppermint, cinnamon dolce syrup, and their beloved skinny mocha sauce). The sugar-free vanilla syrup has 1g carbs per pump and contains maltodextrin and sucralose. These two ingredients can have an effect on ketosis in some people, so it’s best to limit it to 1-2 pumps per drink. Keep in mind that 1-2 pumps won’t make the drink nearly as sweet as traditional Starbucks drinks, so you may want to also add a stevia packet or two, depending on your taste.
- No Classic: Always say “no classic.” This will let them know you don’t want the classic syrup that they add to pretty much every drink at Starbucks. Even if you’ve already said “sugar free”, your barista may still add the classic syrup without thinking about the fact that it has sugar. Mistakes happen. Especially if they are busy!
- Other Sweeteners: Stevia packets are a great option to add sweetness to your low-carb Starbucks drink! You can also bring your own flavored liquid stevia to make special flavored drinks!
- Iced or Hot: Choose between an iced, hot, or even blended drink, depending on your preference. Yes, they can blend up almost any cold drink if you ask! Double blending is also an option to get a more frappuccino-like consistency.
- Leave a tip: If you are ordering a drink with lots of customization, it’s always a nice gesture to leave a tip for your barista. They are taking extra care to make a unique drink and avoid sugar and a tip, even a small one, is a great way to say thank you. And if you are ordering a blended drink that’s not on the menu, definitely tip.
The BEST keto Starbucks drinks! These are some of my favorites:
- Keto Vanilla Frappuccino
- Iced Keto Vanilla Latte
- Keto Pink Drink
- Keto Pumpkin Spice Latte
- Keto White Drink
- Keto Green Tea Vanilla Latte
- Keto Dirty Vanilla Chai Latte
- Keto Purple Passion Drink

The ULTIMATE list of keto Starbucks drinks
**A few notes**
- Almond milk has about 2.5g sugar per 1/2 cup. This is a great low carb option, but if you are following a keto diet then you will need to decide for yourself whether or not this is the right choice for you. Carb count can vary slightly based on how much your barista uses that day.
- The freeze dried fruit in some of the “secret menu” drinks like the Pink Drink have a small amount of sugar. Just like the almond milk, you will need to decide if this works for you if you are following a keto diet.
- The sugar-free vanilla syrup has about 1g carbs per pump and is made with sucralose and maltodextrin. Artificial sweeteners and maltodextrin can raise blood sugar in some individuals. Keep in mind that if you get 2 pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup it will be 2 grams of carbs.
- You can bring your own flavored sugar-free sweetener (like this one) if you love flavored drinks! Just add them after you get your order and enjoy!
- Plain hot coffee, cold coffee, cold brew, nitro cold brew, espresso, and herbal tea have zero carbs.

- Espresso
- Ristretto
- Doppio
- Lungo
- Keto Espresso Macchiato – 2 espresso shots + 1 shot steamed heavy whipping cream
- Americano, no sweetener (Americano is espresso + hot water)
- Americano + stevia
- Americano + 1 pump of sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Americano + splash of heavy cream
- Americano + splash of heavy cream + stevia
- Americano + splash of heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Almond Milk Caffè Misto (caffè au lait) – half brewed coffee + half steamed almond milk
- Keto Caffè Latte – order an Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Keto Light Caffè Latte – order an Americano with a splash of heavy cream
- Keto Vanilla Latte – order an Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Keto Light Vanilla Latte – order an Americano with a splash of heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Keto Pumpkin Spice Latte – Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + byo pumpkin spice stevia!
- Keto Starbucks Reserve Latte – order an Americano made with Starbucks Reserve beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Keto Starbucks Reserve Vanilla Latte – order an Americano made with Starbucks Reserve beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Starbucks Blonde Latte – order an Americano made with Starbucks Blonde beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Keto Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte – order an Americano made with Starbucks Blonde beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Flat White – 3 shots ristretto, 3 shots heavy cream
- Almond Milk Latte, unsweetened
- Almond Milk Latte + stevia
- Skinny Vanilla Almond Milk Latte – almond milk latte + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Almond Milk Cappuccino, unsweetened
- Almond Milk Cappuccino + stevia
- Skinny Vanilla Almond Milk Cappuccino – almond milk cappuccino + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Almond Milk Macchiato, unsweetened
- Almond Milk Macchiato + stevia
- Skinny Vanilla Almond Milk Macchiato – almond milk macchiato + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Black coffee, no sweetener (your choice of Starbucks Signature roast, Pike Place Roast, Blonde Roast, Sumatra, Veranda Blend, Decaf Pike Place, Caffè Verona, and more, depending on your location)
- Black coffee + stevia
- Black coffee + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Coffee + heavy cream
- Coffee + heavy cream + stevia
- Coffee + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Coffee + almond milk
- Coffee + almond milk + stevia
- Coffee + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free syrup + stevia

- Iced Espresso
- Iced Almond Milk Shaken Espresso – espresso, almond milk, ice, no classic, stevia
- Iced Vanilla Shaken Espresso – espresso, 3 shots heavy cream, ice, no classic, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Americano, no sweetener
- Iced Americano + stevia
- Iced Americano + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Iced Americano + splash of heavy cream
- Iced Americano + splash of heavy cream + stevia
- Iced Americano + splash of heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free syrup
- Iced Americano + splash of heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free syrup + stevia
- Sparkling Iced Espresso – 2 shots espresso, ice, fill with sparkling water (optional stevia mixed into espresso) – buy the sparkling water in the line, order 2 shots of espresso in a grande cup with lots of ice, then fill with sparkling water when you get the drink
- Iced Keto Caffè Latte – order an iced Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ cold water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Iced Keto Vanilla Latte – order an iced Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Keto Pumpkin Spice Latte – Iced Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + byo pumpkin spice stevia!
- Iced Keto Starbucks Reserve Latte – order an iced Americano made with Starbucks Reserve beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Iced Keto Vanilla Starbucks Reserve Latte – order an iced Americano made with Starbucks Reserve beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Keto Starbucks Blonde Latte – order an iced Americano made with Starbucks Blonde beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Iced Keto Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte – order an iced Americano made with Starbucks Blonde beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Keto Flat White – 3 shots ristretto + 3 shots heavy cream + ice
- Iced Keto Vanilla Almond Milk Flat White – almond milk and Starbucks Blonde Espresso Roast poured over ice + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Cold brew coffee, no sweetener (ask for light ice to get more coffee!)
- Cold brew + stevia
- Cold brew + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Cold brew + heavy cream
- Cold brew + heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew – cold brew + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew – cold brew + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + byo pumpkin spice stevia!
- Cold brew + almond milk
- Cold brew + almond milk + stevia
- Cold brew + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Nitro Cold brew, no sweetener
- Nitro cold brew + stevia
- Nitro cold brew + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Nitro cold brew + heavy cream
- Nitro cold brew + heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew – nitro cold brew + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Nitro cold brew + almond milk
- Nitro cold brew + almond milk + stevia
- Keto Vanilla Almond Nitro Cold Brew – nitro cold brew + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Nitro Cold Brew, unsweetened
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + almond milk
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + heavy cream
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + stevia
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew – Starbucks Reserve nitro cold brew + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Vanilla Almond Nitro Cold Brew – Starbucks Reserve nitro cold brew + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Nitro Cold Brew, unsweetened
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + almond milk
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + heavy cream
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + stevia
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew – Starbucks Blonde nitro cold brew + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Vanilla Almond Nitro Cold Brew – Starbucks Blonde nitro cold brew + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Iced Coffee – unsweetened iced coffee (just iced black coffee)
- Iced plain black coffee + stevia
- Iced Black coffee + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Iced Coffee + heavy cream
- Iced Coffee + heavy cream + stevia
- Iced Coffee + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Coffee + almond milk
- Iced Coffee + almond milk + stevia
- Iced Coffee + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Irish Coffee – Keto Vanilla Latte + Irish whiskey (I would say byo whiskey, but probably best to take it home and add the whiskey)

- Keto Vanilla Frappuccino – order cold brew with extra ice + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia + extra heavy cream – ask for it blended – best double blended – no whipped cream – remind them that you want no sugar or other syrups
- Keto Pink Drink – almond milk + 3 shots heavy cream, 1 scoop strawberries, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice
- Blended Keto Pink Drink – almond milk + 3 shots heavy cream, 1 scoop strawberries, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice – ask for it blended
- Keto Passion Pink Drink – unsweetened passion tango tea + 3 shots heavy cream + 1 scoop strawberries + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice
- Blended Keto Passion Pink Drink – unsweetened passion tango tea + 3 shots heavy cream + 1 scoop strawberries + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice – ask for it blended
- Keto Violet Drink – almond milk + 3 shots heavy cream + 1 scoop blackberries + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice
- Blended Keto Violet Drink – almond milk + 3 shots heavy cream + 1 scoop blackberries + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice – ask for it blended
- Keto Purple Passion Drink – Unsweetened passion tango tea, 3 shots heavy cream, 1 scoop blackberries, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice
- Blended Keto Purple Passion Drink – Unsweetened passion tango tea, 3 shots heavy cream, 1 scoop blackberries, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice – ask for it blended
- Keto White Drink – unsweetened peach citrus white tea + 3 shots heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla + ice
- Blended Keto White Drink – unsweetened peach citrus white tea + 3 shots heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla + ice – ask for it blended
- Keto Lavender Haze (a must for Taylor Swift fans) – unsweetened passion tango tea, 3 shots heavy cream, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice
- Keto Blended Lavender Haze – unsweetened passion tango tea, 3 shots heavy cream, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice – ask for it blended
- Sparkling Water – Yep, just the bottled stuff! Adding this to the secret menu list because people always forget this is even an option! Perfect if you’re fasting or want to have a Sparkling Espresso!

- Green tea, unsweetened
- Green tea + stevia
- Keto Green Tea Latte – 2 bags green tea, fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Green Tea Vanilla Latte – 2 bags green tea, fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Green Tea Almond Latte – 2 bags green tea + steamed almond milk + stevia
- Iced Green Tea, unsweetened
- Iced Green Tea + stevia
- Iced Keto Green Tea Latte – iced green tea + heavy cream + stevia
- Iced Keto Green Tea Vanilla Latte – iced green tea + heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Keto Green Tea Vanilla Almond Latte – iced green tea + almond milk + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Black tea, unsweetened
- Black tea + stevia
- Black tea + heavy cream (you can do just a splash of heavy cream all the way up to half water half heavy cream if you need more calories)
- Black tea + heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Black Tea Vanilla Latte – 2 bags black tea + fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Black Tea Vanilla Almond Latte – 2 bags black tea + steamed almond milk + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Black tea, unsweetened
- Iced Black tea + stevia
- Iced Black tea + heavy cream
- Keto Black Iced Tea Vanilla Latte – iced black tea + heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Black tea + almond milk
- Iced Black tea + almond milk + stevia
- Iced Keto Black Tea Vanilla Almond Latte – iced black tea + almond milk + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist, no sweetener
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist + stevia
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist + splash of heavy cream
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist + almond milk
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist + splash of heavy cream + stevia
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist + almond milk + stevia
- Keto Emperor’s Cloud & Mist Latte – 2 bags emperor’s cloud & mist green tea + fill with ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Chai Tea + heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Chai Tea Latte – 2 chai tea bags + fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Dirty chai – chai tea + 1 shot of espresso + heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Dirty Vanilla Chai Latte – chai tea + heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Earl Grey Tea, unsweetened
- Early Grey Tea + stevia
- Earl Grey Tea + heavy cream
- Earl Gray Tea + heavy cream + stevia
- Earl Gray Tea + almond milk
- Earl Gray Tea + almond milk + stevia
- Keto London Fog Latte – 2 Earl Grey bags + fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Royal English Breakfast Tea, unsweetened
- Royal English Breakfast Tea + stevia
- Royal English Breakfast Tea + heavy cream
- Royal English Breakfast Tea + heavy cream + stevia
- Royal English Breakfast Tea + almond milk
- Royal English Breakfast Tea + almond milk + stevia
- Keto Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte – 2 royal English tea bags, fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Jade Citrus Mint Tea, unsweetened
- Jade Citrus Mint Tea + stevia
- Mint Majesty, unsweetened (I love this herbal hot tea made with mint and lemon verbena)
- Mint Majesty + stevia
- Peach Tranquility, unsweetened
- Peach Tranquility + stevia
- Iced Passion Tango Tea, unsweetened
- Iced Passion Tango Tea + stevia

Keto Food at Starbucks
**note – keep in mind that your local Starbucks may not carry these options, especially if you are outside of the United States
- Kale & Mushroom Egg Bites (9 grams of net carbs)
- Bacon & Gruyère Egg Bites (9 g net carbs)
- Egg White and Roasted Red Pepper Egg Bites (11 g net carbs)
- Avocado Spread
- Creminelli Snack Tray (Italian salami and monterrey jack cheese)
- Prosnax Carrots, White Cheddar Cheese, and Almonds Snack Tray
- Turkey Jerky
- Beef Jerky
- String Cheese
- Babybel Cheese
- Moon Cheese
- Almonds
- Kale Chips
- Protein Boxes (just skip the fruit, crackers, and honey peanut butter)
- Breakfast sandwich with no bun
The Never List for ordering keto drinks at Starbucks
- The “classic” syrup is one you should avoid in your keto Starbucks drinks
- All syrups not labelled sugar free (as of 2023 there is only one sugar free syrup option: sugar-free vanilla)
- Oat milk
- Soy milk
- Coconut milk
- Dairy milk/regular milk (including whole milk)
- Frappuccino base
- Matcha base
- Caramel drizzle
- Mocha drizzle
- Mocha sauce
- White Chocolate Mint Sauce
- Frappuccino Chips
- Sprinkles
- Cookie crumble
- Honey Blend
- Liquid Cane Sugar
- Honey
- Sugar
- Whipped cream – One serving of whipped cream at Starbucks has 2-3g of carbs. If you are okay with the added sugar, feel free to get a serving of whipped cream to top your drink! An espresso con panna (that’s espresso topped with whipped cream) is always such a nice treat! Like many other food and drink decisions on a keto diet, it will be up to you to decide if it fits in your personal diet.
- Cold foam – cold foam at Starbucks is just skim milk frothed with a flavored syrup. For a sugar-free option, you can ask them if they can make it with heavy cream and sugar-free vanilla syrup to make it keto-friendly. It won’t foam up quite as well, but it will still be delicious!

Looking for some keto recipes? Check out some of my delicious keto meals below!
- Cheesy Cauliflower Shepherd’s Pie
- Crispy Chicken Thighs with Creamy Garlic Cauliflower Rice and Broccolini
- Baked Swordfish with Lemon Garlic Cream Sauce
- Keto Shrimp and Grits
- Creamy Pesto Shrimp and Zoodles
- Keto Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

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100+ Keto Starbucks Drinks (The ULTIMATE list)
- Low Carb
- Keto
- Espresso
- Ristretto
- Doppio
- Lungo
- Keto Espresso Macchiato – 2 espresso shots + 1 shot steamed heavy whipping cream
- Americano, no sweetener (Americano is espresso + hot water)
- Americano + stevia
- Americano + 1 pump of sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Americano + splash of heavy cream
- Americano + splash of heavy cream + stevia
- Americano + splash of heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Almond Milk Caffè Misto (caffè au lait) – half brewed coffee + half steamed almond milk
- Keto Caffè Latte – order an Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Keto Light Caffè Latte – order an Americano with a splash of heavy cream
- Keto Vanilla Latte – order an Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Keto Light Vanilla Latte – order an Americano with a splash of heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Keto Pumpkin Spice Latte – Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + byo pumpkin spice stevia!
- Keto Starbucks Reserve Latte – order an Americano made with Starbucks Reserve beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Keto Starbucks Reserve Vanilla Latte – order an Americano made with Starbucks Reserve beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Starbucks Blonde Latte – order an Americano made with Starbucks Blonde beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Keto Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte – order an Americano made with Starbucks Blonde beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Flat White – 3 shots ristretto, 3 shots heavy cream
- Almond Milk Latte, unsweetened
- Almond Milk Latte + stevia
- Skinny Vanilla Almond Milk Latte – almond milk latte + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Almond Milk Cappuccino, unsweetened
- Almond Milk Cappuccino + stevia
- Skinny Vanilla Almond Milk Cappuccino – almond milk cappuccino + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Almond Milk Macchiato, unsweetened
- Almond Milk Macchiato + stevia
- Skinny Vanilla Almond Milk Macchiato – almond milk macchiato + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Black coffee, no sweetener (your choice of Starbucks Signature roast, Pike Place Roast, Blonde Roast, Sumatra, Veranda Blend, Decaf Pike Place, Caffè Verona, and more, depending on your location)
- Black coffee + stevia
- Black coffee + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Coffee + heavy cream
- Coffee + heavy cream + stevia
- Coffee + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Coffee + almond milk
- Coffee + almond milk + stevia
- Coffee + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free syrup + stevia
- Iced Espresso
- Iced Almond Milk Shaken Espresso – espresso, almond milk, ice, no classic, stevia
- Iced Vanilla Shaken Espresso – espresso, 3 shots heavy cream, ice, no classic, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Americano, no sweetener
- Iced Americano + stevia
- Iced Americano + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Iced Americano + splash of heavy cream
- Iced Americano + splash of heavy cream + stevia
- Iced Americano + splash of heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free syrup
- Iced Americano + splash of heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free syrup + stevia
- Sparkling Iced Espresso – 2 shots espresso, ice, fill with sparkling water (optional stevia mixed into espresso) – buy the sparkling water in the line, order 2 shots of espresso in a grande cup with lots of ice, then fill with sparkling water when you get the drink
- Iced Keto Caffè Latte – order an iced Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ cold water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Iced Keto Vanilla Latte – order an iced Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Keto Pumpkin Spice Latte – Iced Americano with extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + byo pumpkin spice stevia!
- Iced Keto Starbucks Reserve Latte – order an iced Americano made with Starbucks Reserve beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Iced Keto Vanilla Starbucks Reserve Latte – order an iced Americano made with Starbucks Reserve beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Keto Starbucks Blonde Latte – order an iced Americano made with Starbucks Blonde beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream)
- Iced Keto Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte – order an iced Americano made with Starbucks Blonde beans + extra heavy cream (ask for ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream) + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Keto Flat White – 3 shots ristretto + 3 shots heavy cream + ice
- Iced Keto Vanilla Almond Milk Flat White – almond milk and Starbucks Blonde Espresso Roast poured over ice + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Cold brew coffee, no sweetener (ask for light ice to get more coffee!)
- Cold brew + stevia
- Cold brew + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Cold brew + heavy cream
- Cold brew + heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew – cold brew + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew – cold brew + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + byo pumpkin spice stevia!
- Cold brew + almond milk
- Cold brew + almond milk + stevia
- Cold brew + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Nitro Cold brew, no sweetener
- Nitro cold brew + stevia
- Nitro cold brew + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Nitro cold brew + heavy cream
- Nitro cold brew + heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew – nitro cold brew + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Nitro cold brew + almond milk
- Nitro cold brew + almond milk + stevia
- Keto Vanilla Almond Nitro Cold Brew – nitro cold brew + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Nitro Cold Brew, unsweetened
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + almond milk
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + heavy cream
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + stevia
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew – Starbucks Reserve nitro cold brew + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Starbucks Reserve Espresso Vanilla Almond Nitro Cold Brew – Starbucks Reserve nitro cold brew + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Nitro Cold Brew, unsweetened
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + almond milk
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + heavy cream
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Nitro Cold Brew + stevia
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew – Starbucks Blonde nitro cold brew + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Starbucks Blonde Espresso Vanilla Almond Nitro Cold Brew – Starbucks Blonde nitro cold brew + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Iced Coffee – unsweetened iced coffee (just iced black coffee)
- Iced plain black coffee + stevia
- Iced Black coffee + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup
- Iced Coffee + heavy cream
- Iced Coffee + heavy cream + stevia
- Iced Coffee + heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Coffee + almond milk
- Iced Coffee + almond milk + stevia
- Iced Coffee + almond milk + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Irish Coffee – Keto Vanilla Latte + Irish whiskey (I would say byo whiskey, but probably best to take it home and add the whiskey)
- Keto Vanilla Frappuccino – order cold brew with extra ice + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia + extra heavy cream – ask for it blended – best double blended – no whipped cream – remind them that you want no sugar or other syrups
- Keto Pink drink – almond milk + 3 shots heavy cream, 1 scoop strawberries, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice
- Blended Keto Pink Drink – almond milk + 3 shots heavy cream, 1 scoop strawberries, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice – ask for it blended
- Keto Passion Pink Drink – unsweetened passion tango tea + 3 shots heavy cream + 1 scoop strawberries + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice
- Blended Keto Passion Pink Drink – unsweetened passion tango tea + 3 shots heavy cream + 1 scoop strawberries + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice – ask for it blended
- Keto Violet Drink – almond milk + 3 shots heavy cream + 1 scoop blackberries + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice
- Blended Keto Violet Drink – almond milk + 3 shots heavy cream + 1 scoop blackberries + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice – ask for it blended
- Keto Purple Passion Drink – Unsweetened passion tango tea, 3 shots heavy cream, 1 scoop blackberries, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice
- Blended Keto Purple Passion Drink – Unsweetened passion tango tea, 3 shots heavy cream, 1 scoop blackberries, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice – ask for it blended
- Keto Lavender Haze (a must for Taylor Swift fans) – unsweetened passion tango tea, 3 shots heavy cream, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice
- Keto Blended Lavender Haze – unsweetened passion tango tea, 3 shots heavy cream, 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + ice – ask for it blended
- Keto White Drink – unsweetened peach citrus white tea + 3 shots heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla + ice
- Blended Keto White Drink – unsweetened peach citrus white tea + 3 shots heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla + ice – ask for it blended
- Sparkling Water – Yep, just the bottled stuff! Adding this to the secret menu list because people always forget this is even an option! Perfect if you’re fasting or want to have a Sparkling Espresso!
- Green tea, unsweetened
- Green tea + stevia
- Keto Green Tea Latte – 2 bags green tea, fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Green Tea Vanilla Latte – 2 bags green tea, fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Green Tea Almond Latte – 2 bags green tea + steamed almond milk + stevia
- Iced Green Tea, unsweetened
- Iced Green Tea + stevia
- Iced Keto Green Tea Latte – iced green tea + heavy cream + stevia
- Iced Keto Green Tea Vanilla Latte – iced green tea + heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Keto Green Tea Vanilla Almond Latte – iced green tea + almond milk + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Black tea, unsweetened
- Black tea + stevia
- Black tea + heavy cream (you can do just a splash of heavy cream all the way up to half water half heavy cream if you need more calories)
- Black tea + heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Black Tea Vanilla Latte – 2 bags black tea + fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Keto Black Tea Vanilla Almond Latte – 2 bags black tea + steamed almond milk + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Black tea, unsweetened
- Iced Black tea + stevia
- Iced Black tea + heavy cream
- Keto Black Iced Tea Vanilla Latte – iced black tea + heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Iced Black tea + almond milk
- Iced Black tea + almond milk + stevia
- Iced Keto Black Tea Vanilla Almond Latte – iced black tea + almond milk + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist, no sweetener
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist + stevia
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist + splash of heavy cream
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist + almond milk
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist + splash of heavy cream + stevia
- Emperor’s Cloud & Mist + almond milk + stevia
- Keto Emperor’s Cloud & Mist Latte – 2 bags emperor’s cloud & mist green tea + fill with ¾ water and ¼ heavy cream + 1-2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Chai tea + heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Chai Tea Latte – 2 chai tea bags + fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Dirty chai – chai tea + 1 shot of espresso + heavy cream + stevia
- Keto Dirty Chai Vanilla Latte – chai tea + heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Earl Grey Tea, unsweetened
- Early Grey Tea + stevia
- Earl Grey Tea + heavy cream
- Earl Gray Tea + heavy cream + stevia
- Earl Gray Tea + almond milk
- Earl Gray Tea + almond milk + stevia
- Keto London Fog Latte – 2 Earl Grey bags + fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Royal English Breakfast Tea, unsweetened
- Royal English Breakfast Tea + stevia
- Royal English Breakfast Tea + heavy cream
- Royal English Breakfast Tea + heavy cream + stevia
- Royal English Breakfast Tea + almond milk
- Royal English Breakfast Tea + almond milk + stevia
- Keto Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte – 2 royal English tea bags, fill with ¾ water and ¼ steamed heavy cream + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + stevia
- Jade Citrus Mint Tea, unsweetened
- Jade Citrus Mint Tea + stevia
- Mint Majesty, unsweetened (I love this herbal hot tea made with mint and lemon verbena)
- Mint Majesty + stevia
- Peach Tranquility, unsweetened
- Peach Tranquility + stevia
- Iced Passion Tango Tea, unsweetened
- Iced Passion Tango Tea + stevia
Keto Food at Starbucks
- Kale & Mushroom Egg Bites (9 grams of net carbs)
- Bacon & Gruyère Egg Bites (9 g net carbs)
- Egg White and Roasted Red Pepper Egg Bites (11 g net carbs)
- Avocado Spread
- Creminelli Snack Tray (Italian salami and monterrey jack cheese)
- Prosnax Carrots, White Cheddar Cheese, and Almonds Snack Tray
- Turkey Jerky
- Beef Jerky
- String Cheese
- Babybel Cheese
- Moon Cheese
- Almonds
- Kale Chips
- Protein Boxes (just skip the fruit, crackers, and honey peanut butter)
- Breakfast sandwich with no bun
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For the full Starbucks menu, click here.
Wow…what a comprehensive list of copycat drinks from Starbucks…love it!
These keto starbuncks drink collection looks delicious need to try bunch of them.
This is awesome! Thank you for sharing this ULTIMATE keto Starbucks drink list.:) Almost all in the list are our favorites!:) Thank you!
Wow this really is the Ultimate list of keto drinks from Starbucks. Nice to have on my phone in the drive thru!
So many options. We finally get a Starbucks that I can walk to. Great for an afternoon treat, and I get to walk off some of the calories on my way home.